Welcome to Laura’s Sling Consultancy

Support for all your baby carrying needs

About ME


Provider of support and advice for your baby carrying needs whether you are completely new to the world of slings or a long time babywearer in need of some hints and tips.  I am a trained sling consultant with Slingababy. 

What do I offer?

Full Consultation (£30) - A consultancy session typically lasts one and a half hours and is an opportunity to explore many different types of slings learning how to carry your baby comfortably and safely.  A good sling is not an insignificant expense so being sure you’re getting the right one for you and your family is important.  The full session is also designed to look at special circumstances, such as multiples and mobility restrictions in either the baby or care giver.

Quick Check Up (£10) - A quick check up is perfect for you if you already own a sling but are finding you cannot wear it for long comfortably, you want to be sure you are carrying safely, or you want to learn how to do different carrying or feeding positions in your sling.
